- 支持及協助香港大學美術博物館
- 促進對美術的認識,尤其是中國文物的欣賞
- 籌募經費,以協助博物館添置藏品、贊助展覽等文化活動及資助獎學金計劃
- 促進會員友誼
- 舉辦講座、研討會;參觀博物館、畫廊、畫室和其他具歷史文物價值的地方;安排家訪及美食品嘗等聯誼活動
- 組織觀賞團,前往世界各地參觀博物館、畫廊、名勝古蹟及私人藏品
- 獲寄講座、研討會等通知及博物館通訊
- 獲邀出席香港大學美術博物館預展等活動
- 優先參加本會舉辦之其他各項活動
- 購買香港大學美術博物館刊物及產品享有八折優待
香港大學 香港大學美術博物館
香港 薄扶林 般含道90號
詢問電話:(852) 2241 5500
傳真號碼:(852) 2546 9659
The University of Hong Kong Museum Society
It was established in 1988 by Mrs. Margaret Wang, whose husband Dr. Wang Gungwu, was Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hong Kong from 1986 to 1996. For over twenty years, the Museum Society, a non-profit organization, besides supporting the University of Hong Kong Museum and Art Gallery (UMAG) has become a vital force in the promotion of art and culture in the Hong Kong community.
The Museum Society is governed by an Executive Committee comprised of volunteer members. The Committee organizes a variety of regular activities related to art and culture. With a membership of over 600, proceeds generated from the Society’s activities are donated to the UMAG for the acquisition of selective artworks, the sponsorship of special exhibitions and notable programs, as well as to the University of Hong Kong and the local community for the support of educational initiatives.
Bearing a legacy of 60 years, UMAG is one of Hong Kong’s oldest and most distinguished museums. Situated in the elegant and historic Fung Ping Shan Building and the adjoining T.T. Tsui Building, the Museum has over 2,000 pieces of Chinese antiquities in ceramics, bronzes, paintings, Chinese oil paintings, as well as carvings in jade, wood and stone.
The Museum is open to the public free of charge from Monday to Saturday 9:30 to 18:00, and Sunday 13:00 to 18:00. It is closed on public holidays.
- To support and assist the University Museum and Art Gallery
- To promote the understanding and appreciation of art, particularly Chinese arts and antiquities
- To raise funds for the purpose of enriching existing collections, sponsoring exhibitions and financing cultural activities and scholarship programs
- To promote friendship among members
- Local – lectures and symposiums, museum and gallery tours, visits to artist studios and collectors’ homes, culinary evenings, heritage walks and weekend trips
- Overseas – guided tours to places of historical and cultural significance, including museums, galleries, private collections and special events
Benefits for Members
- Museum Society newsletters and invitations to lectures and symposiums
- Invitations to previews of UMAG exhibitions
- 20% discount on UMAG publications and gift items
- Exclusive Members Only events
- Special discounts at AO Photo Centers
Membership and Contact
The University of Hong Kong Museum Society
University Museum and Art Gallery, The University of Hong Kong
90 Bonham Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2241-5500, Fax: (852) 2546-9659
香港中文大學文物館館友會成立於1981年,致力推動中國文化及藝術的欣賞和研究。館友會贊助舉辦講座、研習班、本地以至遍及亞州區 內的文化旅遊。透過以上活動及其他籌款活動,館友會每年為香港中文大學藝術系學生提供獎學金,並贊助文物館的藝術教育推廣活動及文物購藏基金。館友會的會員來自世界各地,人數至今逾550人。館友會積極參與及推廣文物館的活動,造福市民大眾及中大學生。
- 推動市民參與文物館的活動;
- 為進修東方文化的學生提供獎助學金;
- 為文物館提供基金增益館藏;
- 推動香港社區欣賞和研究中國文化藝術。
- 優先報名參與本會之文化旅遊及各項活動;
- 會員專享活動;
- 文物館刊物八折優惠;
- 館友會每月通訊及會員通訊。
The Friends of the Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Friends of the Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong was founded in 1981 to promote the study and appreciation of Chinese art and culture. The Friends sponsor lectures, study groups and tours to places of interest in Hong Kong and throughout Asia. Through these and other fundraising activities, the Friends provide annual scholarships to art students at The Chinese University and contribute to the museum’s art education, outreach progamme and the acquisition fund.
Today, the internationally diverse membership count is over 550 and the Friends is a strong and viable support group for the Art Museum, benefiting the general public and students of the University as well.
- Fostering public interest in the Art Museum;
- Providing scholarship and grants for students in Oriental Studies;
- Providing funds to assist the Art Museum in building the permanent collection;
- Encouraging the study and appreciation of Chinese art and culture within the Hong Kong community.
Membership benefits
- Priority Booking for Friends tours and activities;
- Members-only events;
- 20 % discount on Art Museum publications;
- Friends newsletter and a membership directory.
Email: or
Min Chiu Society
Kau Chi Society of Chinese Art
The Oriental Ceramics Society of Hong Kong, Ltd.